Thursday, August 29, 2013

Curious Kitten Animated GIF and Maze

Curious Cat Animated GIF
Numerous scientific studies are now confirming what pet owners have known for many years – that keeping one of your beloved cats near you while going about your day is good for your cat and good for you as well. The cats help improve mood and lower your levels of stress. They help you feel better about yourself and provide a good place for your positive emotions. And you can even bring the cats with you on a visit the online casino. Play roulette or blackjack at your desk or at the mobile casino while holding your cats lovingly in your lap. Stroke them while waiting for the results of the game and listen for the happy purring, which triggers some of the good feelings inside you. The positivity your cats bring to playing online casino games helps undermine any emotional reactions you might have to the games, which are the leading cause of poor betting decisions. You also get the same lift by having you cats in your lap while doing online mazes or crossword puzzles, which offer the same benefits as online casino games, but without the element of betting real money. Of course, the psychological triggers that go with having money on the line add a level of excitement that can't be matched any other way, and if you're lucky, some of that energy can transfer to your day to day activity. Just don't forget to keep your cat close by as much as you can.
maze of the kitten

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